Feline Meets Floppy Ears: The Guide to Introducing Rabbits to Cats

Rabbit blog post

Rabbits and cats.

Households are never dull when they teem with our furry friends. But what happens when you want to introduce a new fluffball into the mix? Specifically, a rabbit to your resident feline? Let's hop into the details!

Key Takeaways: How to Introduce My Rabbit to My Cat?

Introducing a rabbit to a cat requires patience, supervision, and careful planning. Taking it slow, ensuring safe spaces for your bunny, and familiarizing their scents are essential steps. While both animals can coexist peacefully, it's vital to remember that cats are predators and rabbits prey. Always prioritize safety.

1. Understanding Their Natural Instincts

Before introductions, it's essential to know:

  • Cats: They are natural hunters, and their instincts might compel them to chase or play with the rabbit, which can stress or harm the bunny.

  • Rabbits: Bunnies are prey animals. They can easily get scared, which might cause them to run, triggering the cat's hunting instinct.

2. Scent Familiarization

Introducing by scent can pave the way for a smoother face-to-face meeting:

  1. Swap Beddings: Place the cat's bedding in the rabbit's enclosure and vice-versa. This will allow both pets to get accustomed to each other's scent.

  2. Use Toys: Swap their toys occasionally.

  3. Hay Can Play a Role: Place some hay (a primary diet for rabbits) near the cat's resting area for familiarization.

3. The First Face-to-Face

When you feel both pets are ready:

  • Choose Neutral Territory: An unfamiliar space reduces territorial behaviors.

  • Use a Barrier: Start with a mesh or see-through gate to let them see each other without direct contact.

  • Short Durations: Keep the initial sessions brief, gradually increasing them as both animals grow more comfortable.

4. Observe and Supervise

Always supervise their interactions:

  • Look for Signs of Stress: If the rabbit thumps its feet or the cat hisses and swipes, it's time for a break.

  • Separate Immediately: If any aggressive behavior is displayed.

5. Diet and Nutrition

Ensure a proper diet for your bunny during this transition:

  • Hay: It's the staple diet for rabbits. It ensures good digestion and dental health.

  • Fresh Veggies: Greens like cabbage and zucchini offer essential nutrients.

  • Occasional Fruits: Treat them with strawberries and blueberries but in moderation.

Dive deeper into rabbit diets:

6. Ensure Safe Spaces

For the peace of mind of both pets:

  • Rabbit Enclosure: Make sure your rabbit has its own safe space to retreat. It should be a cat-proof zone.

  • Separate Feeding Areas: Cats might get curious about rabbit food (and vice-versa). Keep their food bowls in separate areas.


Introducing a rabbit to a cat can be a harmonious experience when approached with patience and understanding of both animals' natural behaviors. Always remember that each cat and rabbit are unique; what works for one pair might not work for another. Prioritize safety, supervise interactions, and with time, your feline and floppy-eared friend might just become the best of pals!

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