Can Rabbits Munch on Choy Sum? Revealing the Leafy Green Delight for Your Bunny

Rabbit blog post

Can rabbits eat Choy Sum?

As a loving rabbit owner, you're always on the lookout for new and nutritious foods to diversify your bunny's diet. Choy Sum, with its vibrant leaves and delicious taste, may catch your attention as a potential addition to your furry friend's mealtime. But can rabbits safely enjoy Choy Sum? In this blog post, we will explore the world of Choy Sum and its suitability for rabbits, ensuring your bunny's health and happiness.

The key facts of feeding Choy Sum to Rabbits

Yes, rabbits can eat choy sum. Choy sum, also known as Chinese flowering cabbage or Chinese greens, is a leafy vegetable commonly used in Asian cuisine. Rabbits can eat it as part of their daily vegetables ration, do not over feed it as it may cause severe gas in some bunnies. Rabbits can eat 

Understanding a Rabbit's Dietary Needs

To provide optimal care for your rabbit, it's essential to comprehend their dietary requirements. These adorable creatures thrive on a high-fiber diet, with hay serving as the cornerstone. Hay provides essential nutrients, aids in digestion, and promotes dental health. Alongside hay, rabbits can enjoy a variety of fresh vegetables and occasional treats.

Unveiling the Choy Sum Secrets

What is Choy Sum?

Choy Sum, also known as Chinese flowering cabbage, is a leafy green vegetable commonly used in Asian cuisine. It belongs to the Brassica rapa family and shares characteristics with other cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale. Let's dive deeper into the world of Choy Sum and its potential impact on your rabbit's well-being.

Nutritional Profile of Choy Sum

Choy Sum offers a range of potential health benefits for rabbits due to its nutrient content. Here's a closer look at the nutritional profile of Choy Sum:

Nutrient Quantity per 100g
Fiber 1.2g
Vitamin C 45mg
Vitamin K 250μg
Calcium 105mg
Phosphorus 60mg
Potassium 370mg
Water 93.4g

Can Rabbits Safely Enjoy Choy Sum?

When it comes to feeding Choy Sum to your bunny, here are some important points to consider:

  1. Introduction and Observation: Introduce Choy Sum gradually into your rabbit's diet and observe their response. Start with small portions to ensure they tolerate it well.
  2. Fresh and Organic: Choose fresh, organic Choy Sum to minimize the risk of pesticide exposure.
  3. Thorough Washing: Thoroughly wash the Choy Sum leaves before offering them to your bunny to remove any dirt, pesticides, or potential contaminants.
  4. Moderation: Choy Sum should be given in moderation as part of a varied diet. Too much Choy Sum can lead to gas digestive upset in rabbits.

Potential Risks of Feeding Choy Sum to Rabbits

While Choy Sum can be a safe and nutritious addition to your rabbit's diet when given in moderation, it's important to be aware of potential risks. Consider the following points:

  • Gas and Digestive Upset: Some rabbits may have sensitive digestive systems, and consuming excessive amounts of Choy Sum can lead to gas and bloating. Monitor your bunny's response and adjust the portion accordingly.
  • Pesticide Residues: If Choy Sum is not organic or properly washed, it may contain pesticide residues that could be harmful to rabbits. Always choose organic and wash thoroughly to minimize exposure.

The Ideal Rabbit Daily Diet

To ensure your rabbit's overall health and well-being, it's important to provide a balanced diet that consists of hay, pellets, vegetables, and occasional fruits. Here's a breakdown of an ideal rabbit daily diet:

Rabbit Weight (kgs) Hay Pellets (cups) Greens (cups) Fruit
1 Unlimited 1/8 1 1
2 Unlimited 1/8 2 2
3 Unlimited 1/4 3 3
4 Unlimited 1/2 4 4
5 Unlimited 1/2 5 5
6 Unlimited 3/4 6 6
7 Unlimited 3/4 7 7

Please note that these serving sizes are general guidelines and can vary based on your rabbit's specific needs. It's important to monitor your rabbit's weight and adjust the portions accordingly. Consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate diet for your bunny.


In conclusion, Choy Sum can be a flavorful and nutritious addition to your bunny's diet when offered in moderation and with proper washing. Remember to prioritize your rabbit's dietary needs, ensuring a foundation of hay, fresh vegetables, and limited treats. Monitor your rabbit's response to Choy Sum and consult with a veterinarian if you have any concerns. With a balanced and diverse diet, your bunny will hop into a world of health and happiness.

More Resources

FAQ - Feeding Choy Sum to RabbitsFAQ - Feeding Choy Sum to Rabbits

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