Foods that rabbits can NOT eat

15 Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Rabbit

Rabbits have a remarkable digestive system that allows them to process fiber and nutrients effectively. However, as caretakers, it's crucial to be cautious about their diet. Here's a list of 15 foods you should never feed your rabbit:

  1. Yogurt Drops: Research suggests that yogurt drops can contribute to enterotoxemia, a toxic overgrowth of "bad" bacteria in the intestinal tract. Opt for healthier treats like green peppers or Brussels sprouts. (source)

  2. Bread, Pasta, Cookies, and Crackers: These high-carb sugary treats can cause stomach issues and potentially lead to enterotoxemia. Avoid foods high in sugar or artificial ingredients. (source)

  3. Avocado: This fatty fruit can be deadly if ingested by a rabbit. Stick to fresh fruits and veggies that are safe for your bunny. (source)

  4. Cereal: Feeding your rabbit cereal, like muesli, can lead to tooth and tummy problems. Focus on a diet of high-quality Timothy hay, fresh vegetables, and herbs. (source)

  5. Iceberg Lettuce: Avoid feeding light-colored lettuce, including iceberg, as it can contain lactucarium, a harmful chemical. Opt for nutrient-rich alternatives. (source)

  6. Silverbeet: This leafy green can cause colic and bloating in rabbits. Replace it with high-fiber fruits, veggies, and herbs like radishes, alfalfa, and rosemary. (source)

  7. Hamster Food: While rabbits require a high-fiber diet, hamster food won't provide the necessary nutrition. Stick to Timothy hay, fresh veggies, and herbs for your bunny. (source)

  8. Walnuts: High in fat, walnuts can cause indigestion. Opt for fresh veggies or herbs as healthy snacks for your rabbit. (source)

  9. Oatmeal: Although not harmful, oatmeal doesn't offer the ideal nutrition rabbits need. Focus on providing Timothy hay, hearty greens, and fresh water for a balanced diet. (source)

  10. Chocolate: Chocolate is poisonous to rabbits, just like it is for dogs. Keep it far away from your bunny's diet. (source)

  11. Peanut Butter: High in fat, peanut butter can cause stomach discomfort. Stick to a rabbit's natural diet and avoid unnecessary treats. (source)

  12. Potatoes: Potatoes are high in carbohydrates and starch, which can disrupt a rabbit's digestive system. Stick to rabbit-friendly vegetables instead. ([source](/blogs/hay-carters-corner/can-rabbits


  1. Rhubarb: Raw rhubarb can be poisonous to rabbits, although incidents are rare. Ensure your rabbit avoids this common garden plant. (source)

  2. Meat: Rabbits are herbivores and should not be fed meat. Stick to a plant-based diet that meets their nutritional needs. (source)

  3. Cauliflower: Despite being a vegetable, cauliflower can cause bloating and gas in rabbits. Opt for rabbit-friendly alternatives like green peppers, beets, or radishes. (source)

Remember, it's essential to prioritize your rabbit's health and provide a well-balanced diet. Consult a veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations for your furry friend.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information and should not substitute professional veterinary advice. If you have specific concerns about your rabbit's diet or health, consult a veterinarian.

FAQ - 15 Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Rabbit

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